Applied Mineralogy

Analytical techniques that allow for a comprehensive study of prospects and deposits.

Applied Mineralogy Services

Thermometry of Fluid Inclusions

Fluid inclusions are tiny bubbles of fluids that were trapped during the formation of a crystal and its study provides information about the physical-chemical conditions in which the mineral was formed.

Thanks to the analysis of fluid inclusions it is possible to determine: formation temperature, fluid salinity, pressure, depth of location as well as other information. These parameters are very useful in mining exploration as they provide answers to questions about the environment of the deposit formation and generate guidelines for exploration.

Reflectance Spectrometry (VNIR-SWIR)

Reflectance spectrometry is a technique that uses the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum of light in the visible field, the near infrared and the short-wave infrared. This method allows to determine minerals and associations of alteration minerals. It is especially useful to identify clay minerals which are difficult to identify by conventional methods of microscopy because of their small size. Summarizing, this technique allows to understand the hydrothermal system of a particular prospect and to generate the guidelines of an exploration plan.


Studies using Qemscan automated mineralogy allow the identification and quantification of the constituents of a mineral sample, establishing their abundance, mineral associations, grain size and characterizing the textural relationships of the different mineral phases present. This is a non-destructive instrumental method, of a quantitative nature, especially used for the characterization of the main ores (Cu, Au, Ag, Mo, Fe, Pb, Zn, REE, etc.).

Electronic Microprobe

It allows to characterize solid phases texturally and compositionally, since it provides both precise qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, even for phases of interest that are found in small volumes, thus allowing to establish the composition of mineral phases in terms of majority, minority and trace minerals (>100ppm). ) and their compositional variations in space. Because it is a non-destructive analysis, it allows preserving the textural relationships of the different components.

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