Petrography and Chalcography

The study of rocks, alteration and metallic minerals; their textures, forms of occurrence and relative abundance.


The analysis of rock thin sections includes a complete description of the primary mineralogy as well as of the alteration, with an emphasis on the analysis of textures, type and intensity of alteration and the relative abundance of mineral species present in the sample.

The information collected is recorded in a report that contains description tables, classification of the sample and an appendix that includes a register of photographs that highlight the main minerals and textural characteristics of the analyzed sample.


We offer the service of description of ore minerals using a polished section as well as a comprehensive service of metallic minerals characterization and their association with alteration minerals using transparent-polished sections. In both cases we put special emphasis on the relative abundance of the mineral species present, their textures and their mineral paragenesis.

Our principal objective is to deliver an efficient service in terms of the accuracy of the descriptions and the response time according to the requested work.

We are the solution to your geological requirements

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